Frequently Asked Questions
We believe that God loves his people unconditionally. We believe St. Andrew’s is God’s house, and that everyone is welcome. The people of St. Andrew’s see this church as place of love and acceptance for everyone on their journey of faith. Whether you are “church shopping”, questioning, just curious, or a lifelong Episcopalian in search of a church home, it is our privilege to support you on your way.
How should I dress for worship at St. Andrew’s?
Dress comfortably and appropriately for a public setting. There’s no specific dress code—you’ll find everything from business suits and dresses to jeans and shorts (during hot weather).
What kind of worship do you have at St. Andrew’s?
On most Sundays, you can expect the 10:30 service to include the Holy Eucharist, also known as the Mass or Holy Communion. Occasionally the Sunday service consists of sung or said Morning Prayer without communion. Other seasonal services are offer during Advent, Lent and Holy Week.
Who can receive Holy Communion at St. Andrew’s?
All baptized persons, regardless of church denomination or age, are welcomed to receive Holy Communion. Persons who do not wish to receive communion are welcome to stand or kneel at the altar rail and cross their arms to indicate they wish to receive a blessing from the priest. We understand Holy Communion to be God’s celebration and that all are welcome before God.
What options are there for children at St. Andrew’s?
During the School year Christian education for children pre-school through high school is offered each Sunday. Youth and Children from St. Andrew’s are active in Diocesan activities including Miqra, Happening and Summer Church Camp.
What do Episcopalians believe?
Episcopalians believe, among other things, that grace is freely given. We recognize that through Jesus Christ and God’s love for all people, everyone is loved and accepted, without exception. While we’re on the subject, The Episcopal Church encourages questioning, and questioning can lead to tension. That tension is what makes The Episcopal Church uniquely diverse and welcoming among Christian faith traditions. Doubts are recognized, discussed and affirmed. Each of us is on our own spiritual walk with God. We support all on their journey.
How and when is private confession heard?
Reconciliation of a Penitent, or private confession, is heard any time by appointment. Usually confession is heard in the rector’s office, but can be heard anywhere that is convenient and comfortable for a penitent.
Private confession is a sacrament of the church. It is not required in the Anglican tradition, but is provided for persons all who may desire it. Many experience relief and a real sense of peace after taking part in confession.
How can I find out more about St. Andrew’s?
Call the church’s office at 316-788-2595 Someone will return your call and answer your questions. Alternatively, you can email us by clicking here.