Frequently Asked Questions
On most Sundays, you can expect the 10:30 service to include the Holy Eucharist, also known as the Mass or Holy Communion. We are a liturgical church. We hear scripture from the Hebrew Bible, the Psalm, the New Testament, and the Gospels. We hear a sermon, pray prayers for the world and ourselves, say the Nicene Creed, and have communion.
Yes! In the Episcopal church we ordain, bless, and marry LGBTQ+ people. You are welcome here!
During the School year Christian education for children pre-school through high school is offered each Sunday. Youth and Children from St. Andrew’s are active in Diocesan activities including Miqra, Happening and Summer Church Camp.
All persons, regardless of church denomination or age, are welcomed to receive Holy Communion. Our homemade communion wafers are Gluten Free and Vegan so we can all eat from the one bread. Persons who do not wish to receive communion are welcome to stand or kneel at the altar rail and cross their arms to indicate they wish to receive a blessing from the priest. We understand Holy Communion to be God’s celebration and that all are welcome before God.
There’s no specific dress code—you’ll find everything from business suits and dresses to jeans and shorts (during hot weather).